I’m excited to tell you about a new book by an author who has quickly become a favorite of mine. First, because she writes about locations that I love. And secondly, because she tells great stories within a context of history and culture.
The Last Train to Key West
by Chanel Cleeton
I’ve written before about how I love Key West and have even taken my kids there. So although the title would have piqued my interest anyway, this is the third book I have enjoyed by Chanel Cleeton, the first two being set in Cuba, another of the defining destinations of my life.
I have always flown to Key West instead of taking U.S. Highway 1 so before reading this book, I didn’t realize that train tracks used to connect the mainland to the Keys. The infastructure was destroyed by one of the most powerful hurricanes to ever hit the United States, which as it barrels towards the Keys, facilitates the drama for this story set in 1935 when three women meet in Key West.
Mirta has just left Cuba in an arranged marriage to a potentially dangerous man. Elizabeth is attempting to locate a man working in one of the camps for veterans of WWI (more history I learned about in this book) and Helen has lived on the island her whole life but is fighting her own battles. And even though I let out an audible groan when I saw it was yet another story told from “different perspectives” in each chapter, it ended up being a great read.
The book entertained me all the way out to Virginia. And I have several other books from my vacation reading to recommend in upcoming posts…
If you haven’t read her first two books I highly recommend them as well; here are my previous posts: