When I heard the new Amor Towles book contained only “short stories” I was disappointed. I wanted another Gentleman in Moscow – though being one of my favorite books ever that is a lot to ask. (I haven’t watched the TV series yet because I would like to reread the book first. We shall see if I can hold out for that to happen…)

I’ve posted about two of Towles’ other books on this blog:

The Lincoln Highway – A journey in all ways, through emotions, perspectives, settings

and Rules of Civility – Ladder climbing in pre-WWII New York.

Both are books I recommended to everyone!

So because I liked his previous books so much, I, with lower expectations, picked up the book of short stories.

The book is two parts – the first (titled New York) is six short stories with some connection to that city. The second half (Los Angeles) is a novella that serves as a sequel to Rules of Civility, following Eve to Hollywood.

Ironically, the longer novella was actually my least favorite of all.

I am going to admit something – sometimes I really enjoy a book but years later I have no idea what the plot points were. So when starting this continuation of Rules of Civility, I couldn’t remember who Eve was, why she has a scar, what she was running from, or really anything else about that debut book I apparently loved! I don’t think this affected by enjoyment of the story though. Sometimes a mysterious beginning works just fine. This story just didn’t grab me like the others in the collection.

The short stories of the earlier “New York” section are unrelated but interesting in their own ways, with excellent use of developing characters and situations. “Hasta Leugo” may be my favorite but I liked all of them. (I’m happy to discuss any of them with you!)

I appreciated the tight, memorable (at least I say memorable at this point) plots and how I could finish a story in one sitting. I would have happily read more of them. So I am a fan of short stories by Amor Towles after all!

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