I read once that (paraphrase here from my memory) it is impossible to hate someone if you know his or her story.
At first, I didn’t really like Ove, a grumpy and routine-based elderly man featured in A Man Called Ove: A Novel though I did find him an amusing character. Here’s a sampling of Ove:
“Ove is the sort of man who checks the status of all things by giving them a good kick.”
“Ove doubts whether someone who can’t park a car properly should even be allowed to vote.”
Likewise, I knew Ove would not be a fan of me, exampled by this:
“How can anyone be incapable of reversing with a trailer? he asks himself. How? How difficult is it to establish the basics of right and left and then do the opposite? How do these people make their way through life at all?”
However, as Ove’s “story” was revealed to me, I started liking him. And I felt that his character would eventually become tolerant of me as well…though I am 99% sure I’ll never learn to back-up a trailer, also a disappointment to my husband!