Twice a year I peruse the descriptions and publishers’ notes for new releases to find the books I’m most excited to read. If you have stumbled across my website, I hope we have some of the same tastes in books, and you will also find something in this list to read this winter.

While putting together this list, I realized I am becoming extremely particular about what I want to spend my time reading….when I finish a book I love, I want to pick up a book I’m going to love just as much; I don’t have time (who does??) to read bad books or books that are just not for me. So all of these books below offered me that hope.

Publishers notes are in block quotes. You can click on the titles or images to purchase from Amazon or just find out more before purchasing from your local bookseller or borrowing from your local library. (Even though I am obviously an Amazon affiliate I also support both these institutions).

I will update this post with new links as I read through this list like I did for my summer reading list. Or go straight to my favorite books of the summer.

Happy winter reading and please let me know which ones interest you and if you end up loving any of these books!

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