I started through my summer reading list this week and am happy  to recommend one book already: How to Walk Away: A Novel by Katherine Center.

Margaret is so close to having everything she ever wanted – a great job, a loving fiancé, and her whole life in front of her. One tragic event may take all of this away.

This book is notable because it deals with emotional and physical healing and how they intersect. It has elements of romance – somewhat predictable – and family drama – not so predictable. It is an inspiring read and a good reminder of what many of us take for granted every day. It has just the right amount of humor along with these deeper topics.

The inscription includes two quotes, which are a good preview of the book and its themes:

“You get one life and it only goes forward. –Wesley Branch

“There are all kinds of happy endings. –Eve Lapin

Another quote written into the storyline is (paraphrased possibly, I can’t find it now):

When you don’t know what to do for yourself, help someone else.


If these messages appeal to you and/or you need some inspiration, pick up this book as part of your summer reading!!!