When I put together my seasonal reading lists I try to include some variety beyond the historical fiction I tend to gravitate towards. (Most recently these books have had a heiress in an fancy dress on the cover but before that it was WWII fiction.)

The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren with its cheery cover looked like a lighter, fun read and was getting a lot of buzz so I decided to give it a try.

Olive Torres has always felt unlucky compared to her twin sister Ami who is now getting married and has even financed her wedding by winning a bunch of contests, including an all-expense paid trip to Maui. But when the entire wedding party gets food poisoning except for Olive and the brother of the groom/best man Ethan (who is also Olive’s nemesis) these two are offered the opportunity to go on the honeymoon. Calling a temporary truce on their mutual dislike, Olive and Ethan have to pretend to be married to claim this prize. But soon…

As in most romantic comedies, though I could see where the story was going (there were some good plot twists in side stories) I did enjoy getting there.

And although I would still claim this book really “isn’t for me” I read it in only two days…ha!!! Therefore I suppose I have to recommend it to those of you who are looking for a playful, modern romance.