I just finished a third enjoyable book about Jackie Kennedy, so I want to get all of these recommendations in the same place for any other readers who, like me, find her to be a timeless, fascinating topic.

Her composure and class were what I was always drawn to (in addition to my obsession with her husband). These three books focus on who she was without JFK because they take place before she met him, during courtship, and after his death.

Most recently, I fishished:

Jackie and Me by Louis Bayard

Historical fiction from the point of view of Lem Billings, who was originally JFK’s friend from school, but as a closeted gay man had lots in common with Jackie, with their shared love of fashion, art, culture. The book covers her life in Washington D.C. as the roving reporter as she started dating JFK and waited for him to commit to her while she was spending much of her time with Lem in the meantime.

Jacqueline in Paris by Ann Mah

As I wrote in my last blog post, this one covers her year in Paris during college and a romance there!

Jackie and Maria by Gill Paul

Digging back into my archives, here is another book about her that I thoroughly enjoyed. It covers her later life when she was dating Aristotle Onassis (while he was also dating a famous opera singer).

All three of these are light, enjoyable reads, perfect for a long weekend or to escape from your personal stressors for a bit. All three of them also provide interesting historical context for the time periods.