Leslie's Bookcase

celebrating books & the literary lifestyle

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I was lucky to have a set of grandparents living in my college town, and I would often go over there for a night or more to study, relax, or just get away from my busy college scene. This was waaaaay before any of the electronic distractions we have now, and I remember reading one book from their collection multiple times while lounging on their living room couch:

All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

When the movie came out last year (and was nominated for best picture!) I was reminded how that book absorbed me decades ago. I didn’t remember the specific details so much as the feeling of the book, which is written from a German’s perspective during WWI, that this war was horrible for all. I also remember the book being a quick read, possible in a weekend.

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This photo was taken on a summer trip though I started reading this book on spring break!

At long last I can tell you about the epic book I’ve been reading since spring break using my crumpled boarding pass to Miami as a bookmark.

I read this work of art slowly because every page needed to be savored and understood. There were so many characters and so much to digest from the busy streets of Bombay where an Australian fugitive settles.

I read several other books in the meantime because I practice multibooking.

This book, now a favorite, is:

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

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Chanel Cleeton’s books tend to focus on Cuban families forced to flee the political turmoil of their homeland, and I have loved and recommended several of them.

So when I was approved by NetGalley to receive a download of her newest book, The Cuban Heiress, in exchange for an honest review, I wanted to shout out in joy! As a bookblogger, we can request early access to certain books but because I have a smaller blog, I don’t always get all the books I request.

Although this new book isn’t my favorite of her books (and I will note my favorites below), it was a solid, entertaining read, and I recommend it!

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“And you won’t read that book again because the ending’s just too hard to take” – Gordon Lightfoot

Today’s post is a tribute to Gordon Lightfoot, a Canadian folk singer who passed away this week.

One of his most popular songs “If You Could Read My Mindis a favorite of mine. I once had it on a “create” playlist – songs that make me want to write or just feel inspired and appreciative of the beauty of music.

I’m grateful I got to see him sing this song (and others) in person several years ago.

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On spring break vacation, I started reading a long, epic book, but this book is so long and so epic (I’m really building the suspense on this one) I need a lot of time to process every page and every chapter. Thus, I have thus resorted to multi-booking and am updating my spring reading list with short reviews as I go, while I read and enjoy the epic book slowly.

So today I’m going to tell you about our spring break cruise!

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I just finished a third enjoyable book about Jackie Kennedy, so I want to get all of these recommendations in the same place for any other readers who, like me, find her to be a timeless, fascinating topic.

Her composure and class were what I was always drawn to (in addition to my obsession with her husband). These three books focus on who she was without JFK because they take place before she met him, during courtship, and after his death.

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